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Scrum Coaches Retreat Phoenix

Another long trip over to the states this week to attend the Scrum Coaching Retreat in Phoenix. My main reason for attending is that I am involved in bringing the event to Europe for the first time in 2014.

The retreat is unlike a conference or gathering, which sometimes only scratch the surface on topics; here you will go deep into issues that you are passionate about.

I am also hoping to get involved in some improvement initiatives in the CSC programme, either:
• An improvement of the application process, or
• Looking at how we better support coaches on their development path

That second issue is likely to be a central theme for the first European Scrum Coaching Retreat in London from 9th to 11th June 2014. Some information about the event is already here.

And you can register here, to get an early bird price

We will have our own website up shortly. I will keep you posted on anything interested that happens in Phoenix.

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